ELDERBORN out of Early Access
The end of January brings you the first Content Update!
With the new Early Access version of ELDERBORN we are introducing a number of new elements. You now have the opportunity to fight General Janus who wants to put you down with his sword. Who is Janus? Our introduction video will give you a glimpse of ELDERBORN’s story, but this is only the beginning of what you will learn in the future.
We also feel that the game has been too easy, so we introduced some changes which should make it more difficult. We are looking forward to hearing your opinion on how the game is evolving, as well as how do you find the Janus bossfight – we’d love to know what you think about him, please share your strats with us! Maybe you have any exploits to beat him easily?
Here is a more detailed list of changes:
- Intro video (for lore introduction, might be improved late)
- Bossfight against General Janus
- New level with a new type of trap
- New weapon: sharp and deadly Officer Sickles
- Weapon rebalance
- Player balance changes
- New music tracks and updates to tracks which have been already available
- Enemies have better AI and use new attacks and moves
- Javelins no longer pass through enemies – instead they hit them
- Improve enemy reaction to hits, including one enemy hitting another
- Item and weapon placement has been modified
- End-game shows more upcoming content (it has some shots from the City level and is really worth checking out!) – please note that the loading screen there is quite extensive
- Polish language is now available (Steam client interface needs to be set to Polish)
- Target framerate limit setting
- Improved optimization
- Various bug fixes
- We also need to mention that due to a new level and some changes in the placement of items and weapons we had to make old save data unusable – when launching the game after the update you will have to start from fresh regardless of your progress in the previous version.
What we decided to push to future updates:
- Changes to collectibles (we are redesigning gold)
- Power-up (same as gold)
What we are working on for future deliveries:
- City level (let us know what do you think about the footage available after beating Janus!)
- General improvements to player controls, movement and weapon
- Blood decals
Good luck, WARRIORS